Sunday, January 11, 2009

English, English, English

The school I work at is an international school; consequently, the majority of kids there are ESL. Supposedly, they speak English. I have a few students where I have yet to see any evidence of said language ability. 

In case any of you are wondering what that looks like when it comes time to grade papers, let me give you an example. I received a little plastic game at white elephant Christmas party. There is no brand name except "Toys" and "Made in China." These are the instructions to the game:

Intelligent Marble
Intelligent add Lucky

1. Marble is a kind of game that is very modern now. It collects exciment fasciration. It's a very interesting game. It can cot only trains lover's skill and intelligence but also is a best way for lover to make friends. It's an intelligent game for a family to be a happy field. Spring your miracle, competite you level

2. You'll surpass yourself intelligence and skill the -Ough a sernies of intelligent ompetition actions, competite your intelligent and you skill, partic-lpate in together. Plagways. The two parites will judge winning or losing, according to the highest Grand total. The one who get the highest grade is a big winner. Before a game begins, players may Also engage to shoot the five provided plastic teas-ed pearl early or late getting the grand total. We winner according to how many points it can reach.

3. Where there is a will, there is a way The training Of will, intellivgence, skill will be your best ladder of success, it is your best training way of defeating Everything.


zach harrison said...

Sounds fun! Can I play?

pedronegro said...

reaLly" it Is intellvient that Fun.

noah! said...


Austen said...

Too funny!

Unknown said...

That is truly awesome. I am glad that they also like to say, "where there is a will, there is way." My Chinese students like to write that to me in their papers.