Monday, October 20, 2008

No P-Diddy "Vote or Die" death squads will get me...

I voted today. Almost by accident. I had to go into the consulate to apply for a second passport (aka "traveler's passport"). This passport looks just like my regular one, but is only good for two years. 

Let me explain why I needed this second passport. My current Russian visa is valid until November 1. Whenever I apply for a Russian visa, I must send in my passport. The Russians will not allow you to apply for a new visa until your old one has run out. So, I need to leave the country on the 1st, but also send in my passport on the 1st. Catch-Dvatsit-Dva (22). Hence, my need for a second passport. Hence, my reason to go the consulate (to apply for one). Hence, how I ended up voting today.

I thought that there was a deadline before one could fill out an absentee ballot. I was right; it is November 4th. The guy behind the glass said they could fax it to the election board and then once it got verified or whatever, they would send in my sealed ballot. So, I voted. I was little disappointed not to get a "I Voted" sticker.


Kelly said...

well done Joel. You are still an American citizen even though you try to pretend to be a sophisticated Russian professor.

Allison said...

yep that "i voted" sticker is pretty much the only reason why i vote. haha. how are you kiddo? i miss feeling akward around you.

nina said...

hooray for joel! hooray for russia!